3/10/2020: Daily Dose of Inspiration

“Fear exhausts life energy. It is one of the greatest enemies of dynamic will power. Fear causes the life force that ordinarily flows steadily through the nerves to be squeezed out, and the nerves themselves to become as though paralyzed. The vitality of the whole body is lowered. Fear doesn’t help you get away from…

3/9/2020: Daily Dose of Inspiration

“Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good we oft might win, by fearing to attempt.” ~ William Shakespeare Oh, oh, oh, my friend, don’t let this be you! Your doubts only serve to undermine your efforts. Your heart harbors no doubts. So get centered in your heart, face your fears, whatever they…

3/6/2020: Daily Dose of Inspiration

“Whether our action is wholesome or unwholesome depends on whether that action or deed arises from a disciplined or undisciplined state of mind. It is felt that a disciplined mind leads to happiness and an undisciplined mind leads to suffering, and in fact it is said that bringing about discipline within one’s mind is the…

3/4/2020: Daily Dose of Inspiration

“The agony of breaking through personal limitations is the agony of spiritual growth. Art, literature, myth and cult, philosophy, and ascetic disciplines are instruments to help the individual past his limiting horizons into spheres of ever-expanding realization.” ~ Joseph Campbell, The Hero with a Thousand Faces That right there, my friend, is why we do…

3/3/2020: Daily Dose of Inspiration

“It’s easier for a human being to think negatively than positively. That’s why only five percent are successful. You must begin now to place yourself in that group.” ~ Earl Nightingale It takes discipline to train your mind to follow a positive track. And let’s not forget diligence and perseverance. But you know what else…

3/2/2020: Daily Dose of Inspiration

“Calmness of mind is one of the beautiful jewels of wisdom. It is the result of long and patient effort in self-control. Its presence is an indication of ripened experience, and of a more than ordinary knowledge of the laws and operations of thought.” ~ James Allen, As a Man Thinketh Hidden in the brilliant formula…