“The symbolic language of the crucifixion is the death of the old paradigm; resurrection is a leap into a whole new way of thinking.”
~ Deepak Chopra
While Easter may still be a few weeks away, we’re all experiencing a long, drawn out crucifixion of sorts. The paradigm of life as we’ve known it is being destroyed. We’re being told to stay inside and watch as our work, businesses, travel, and entire economy disintegrates.
So what are we to do? Energetically we go within, as a caterpillar goes into the cocoon, and prepare to reemerge with wings that will take us to new heights and sights we couldn’t have even imagined before.
It’s all just a part of the process, my friend. The old must be destroyed in order to make room for the new. So honor this demand for down time and go within. Prepare for a new beginning.