“You can never outperform your own self-image.”
~ Mary Morrissey
Do you realize that the circumstances of your life are a reflection of your self-image? What are the predominant thoughts that you think about yourself day in and day out? Have you ever asked yourself that?
I ask because most of the time we have no conscious awareness of the thoughts that are constantly flowing in the background of our minds. Most of them are about ourselves or someone or something that we don’t like. Most of the time our inner critic is running the show finding anything and everything that’s wrong or bad. And those thoughts are the ones determining our energetic state and self-image.
Now, my friend, don’t go asking yourself why you’re doing that or your mind will take you even deeper down the rabbit hole! Instead put your mind to work finding the good things.
Our minds are constantly at work so we can give them a task that will reap positive rewards. Hmmm… Let’s see how many good things I can list about myself and those around me.
And, you know what, my friend? As you set it to work looking for things you want to develop more of in yourself you might just find yourself actually doing them!