“The choice between love and fear is made every moment in our hearts and minds. That is where the peace process begins. Without peace within, peace in the world is an empty wish. Like love, peace is extended. It cannot be brought from the world to the heart. It must be brought from each heart to another, and thus to all mankind.”
~ Paul Ferrini
Peace is your heart’s natural state. Love, compassion, faith, trust, appreciation, acceptance, peace — these are all natural states for your heart. Negative emotions are fed by fear, the opposite of faith and love. Notice, my friend, how worry or a need to control is only present when your heart’s natural states are blocked.
Any state, from love to fear, can be conjured by the mind for better or worse. Your mind really is that powerful. But now get this, when you quiet your mind, peace naturally returns to its rightful place, and on its heels will flow love and the other positive emotions.
So if you can’t quite conjure a loving thought, my friend, try quieting your mind instead.
Hmmm… perhaps it’s time for some of BeneFIT’s Hot Yoga.