4/4/2021:Daily Dose of Inspiration

“Freedom and forgiveness are indissolubly linked. Not to forgive is to be at war with ourselves, for we are freed according to our capacity to forgive.” ~ Neville Goddard, Awakened Imagination & the Search Today is Easter, a time for new beginnings, a time to rise transformed. And that can only happen by you giving up the old for the…

1/10/2021: Daily Dose of Inspiration

“Traditionally it is said that the root of aggression and suffering is ignorance. But what is it that we are ignoring? Entrenched in the tunnel vision of our personal concerns, what we ignore is our kinship with others. One reason we train as warrior-bodhisattvas is to recognize our inter-connectedness — to grow in understanding that…

11/12/2020: Daily Dose of Inspiration

“It is compassion rather than the principle of justice which can guard us against being unjust to our fellow men.” ~ Bruce Lee One comes from the heart, the other from the mind. One brings understanding, the other rationalization. One brings inner resolution, the other outer recognition. Only compassion can bring about forgiveness and restore…

11/10/2020: Daily Dose of Inspiration

“If your compassion does not include yourself, it is incomplete.” ~ Buddha Compassion comes from the heart and, feeling the suffering, desires to alleviate it. All suffering comes from feeling disconnected from Spirit, our Infinite nature. Compassion recognizes that the only reason we or someone else might do something intentionally that hurts or harms you or another is because…

10/10/2020: Daily Dose of Inspiration

COMPASSION EXERCISE Honesty with yourself leads to compassion for others. Objective: To increase the amount of compassion in the world. Expected Result: A personal sense of peace. Instructions: This exercise can be done anywhere that people congregate (airports, malls, parks, beaches, etc.). It should be done on strangers, unobtrusively, from some distance. Try to do all five steps…