1/22/2022: Daily Dose of Inspiration

“Relaxation is the single most beneficial thing you can learn to do in this world. So apply even more faith, self-discipline, determination, concentration, and patience to the Dead Body Pose. You are fighting body tension plus guilt and impatience to get to next pose. You are fighting unruly mind that persists in flitting like butterfly.…

6/6/2021: Daily Dose of Inspiration

“It’s easier for a human being to think negatively than positively. That’s why only five percent are successful. You must begin now to place yourself in that group.” ~ Earl Nightingale It takes discipline to train your mind to follow a positive track. And let’s not forget diligence and perseverance. But you know what else…

6/1/2021: Daily Dose of Inspiration

“The process of change requires unlearning. It requires breaking the habit of the old self and reinventing a new self.” ~ Joe Dispenza This unlearning, my friend, this process of breaking the old habits takes work. Even when you’ve consciously made a decision to change, the pull of the familiar old habits is strong. It’ll…

3/3/2020: Daily Dose of Inspiration

“It’s easier for a human being to think negatively than positively. That’s why only five percent are successful. You must begin now to place yourself in that group.” ~ Earl Nightingale It takes discipline to train your mind to follow a positive track. And let’s not forget diligence and perseverance. But you know what else…