11/22/2021: Daily Dose of Inspiration

“First, listening. It’s called respect, it’s called appreciation, it’s called anticipation — and it’s called leadership.” ~ Frances Hesselbein, when asked “What habits have helped you reach your full potential?” There is nothing more validating than the connection established when truly listening, my friend. It both offers and commands respect at once.

7/15/2020: Daily Dose of Inspiration

The Dalai Lama’s response when asked at a public appearance why he didn’t fight back against the Chinese: “Well, war is obsolete, you know.” Then he paused and said, “Of course the mind can rationalize fighting back… but the heart, the heart would never understand. Then you would be divided in yourself, the heart and…

6/4/2020: Daily Dose of Inspiration

“So when you are listening to someone, completely, attentively, then you are listening not only to the words, but also to the feeling of what is being conveyed, to the whole of it, not part of it.” ~ Jiddu Krishnamurti Sometimes more is conveyed in the silence between the words than with the words themselves.…

4/18/2020: Daily Dose of Inspiration

“Don’t believe what your eyes are telling you. All they show is limitation. Look with your understanding. Find out what you already know and you will see the way to fly.” ~ Richard Bach, Jonathan Livingston Seagull Your physical senses will only get you so far, my friend, as they can only perceive the physical. But…

4/16/2020: Daily Dose of Inspiration

“Be careful what you think. Your cells are listening.” ~ Emmy Cleaves, Principal Teacher, Bikram Yoga headquarters Are you listening to what you’re thinking, my friend? Chances are you’re not. But get this, when you think a thought you create a vibration. When you create a vibration you subject every cell in your body to that…