11/22/2021: Daily Dose of Inspiration

“First, listening. It’s called respect, it’s called appreciation, it’s called anticipation — and it’s called leadership.” ~ Frances Hesselbein, when asked “What habits have helped you reach your full potential?” There is nothing more validating than the connection established when truly listening, my friend. It both offers and commands respect at once.

6/11/2021: Daily Dose of Inspiration

“Respect dissolves resistance.” ~ Harry Palmer Whenever you resist something, be it a person, place, thing, an experience or emotion, it controls you. You’ll continue to suffer and struggle until you quit resisting. So next time you find yourself suffering ask yourself, “What am I resisting?” Whatever it is, recognize that it holds power over…

4/17/2020: Daily Dose of Inspiration

“First, listening. It’s called respect, it’s called appreciation, it’s called anticipation — and it’s called leadership.” ~ Frances Hesselbein, when asked “What habits have helped you reach your full potential?” There is nothing more validating than the connection established when truly listening, my friend. It both offers and commands respect at once.