Back in June of 2012 I sought out Hot Yoga to build some muscle and lose weight. I had been doing a regular yoga class once a week at my gym and thought I’d give Bikram Yoga a go. My first class was so hard and hot that when Nora Jeanne said, “see ya tomorrow, John.” I said to myself, “this is the last you’ll ever see of me!” But I started feeling really good a few hours later and, since I’d already paid for 10 days, I decided to try it again. And I’m very thankful I did!
In just 6 months I’ve lost 26 pounds and I haven’t felt this good in 20 years. I used to take sleeping pills, high blood pressure pills, and Nexium for my stomach issues. I stopped taking Ambien in October because I was no longer restless at night and I stopped taking my blood pressure medicine when I was told by my doctor that my blood pressure seemed low. For the past 15 years I had been on double the allowed dose of Nexium for nervous stomach issues due to stress and am now off this medicine since October as well. I’m able to eat foods I haven’t had in years.
But all that said, I am most impressed with how Bikram Yoga brings calmness over my life and helps me to focus better. I’ve been able to recognize and remove the stressful elements of my life that are not necessary. It feels great to have taken back control of my life and I have BeneFIT to thank for this.