10/29/2021: Daily Dose of Inspiration

“All condemnation of others really condemns ourselves. Adjust the microcosm, which is in your power to do, and the macrocosm will adjust itself for you.” ~ Swami Vivekananda We project out onto others the thoughts and feelings we harbor about ourselves deep down inside. Realize this and you’ve found the key to transformation. Inner awareness…

10/26/2021: Daily Dose of Inspiration

“Everything is ambiguous; everything is always shifting and changing, and there are as many different takes on any given situation as there are people involved. Trying to find absolute rights and wrongs is a trick we play on ourselves to feel more secure and comfortable.” ~ Pema Chodron Think about this one, my friend. Absolutes…

10/23/2021: Daily Dose of Inspiration

“See someone’s rude behavior in this light: – Rudeness indicates the intensity of the commitment. – It indicates their level of stress and insensitivity. – It attests to the upbringing of the person. – It indicates a persistent behavioral pattern. – It shows a lack of knowledge. – It shows a lack of insight into…

10/20/2021: Daily Dose of Inspiration

“Traditionally it is said that the root of aggression and suffering is ignorance. But what is it that we are ignoring? Entrenched in the tunnel vision of our personal concerns, what we ignore is our kinship with others. One reason we train as warrior-bodhisattvas is to recognize our inter-connectedness — to grow in understanding that…