11/29/2021: Daily Dose of Inspiration

“It is compassion rather than the principle of justice which can guard us against being unjust to our fellow men.” ~ Bruce Lee One comes from the heart, the other from the mind. One brings understanding, the other rationalization. One brings inner resolution, the other outer recognition. Only compassion can bring about forgiveness and restore…

11/22/2021: Daily Dose of Inspiration

“First, listening. It’s called respect, it’s called appreciation, it’s called anticipation — and it’s called leadership.” ~ Frances Hesselbein, when asked “What habits have helped you reach your full potential?” There is nothing more validating than the connection established when truly listening, my friend. It both offers and commands respect at once.

11/17/2021: Daily Dose of Inspiration

“Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope.” ~ Maya Angelou Love is ever present. It’s omnipotent. Don’t you feel It? Well, I only ask because sometimes we don’t feel It. Sometimes we feel abandoned and all alone. But it’s never that It isn’t…