Mantra Word for the Day: PRAYER
Spirit is guiding us to consciously utilize prayer today. We think of prayer as the time in which we, with full focus and intention, put forth our requests to God, the Universe, Spirit, or whatever you call It. This is a powerful energetic moment in which you commune with God and transmit a clear, very concise message of your desire.
However, that’s not the only praying you do. Since God is present with you and your thoughts 24/7, in essence, every thought you think is a prayer to God. We’re thinking thoughts at the rate of tens of thousands per day and it’s our predominant thought pattern that’s governing our life experiences. So what are the thoughts you’re thinking day in, day out without really being conscious of them? Start paying attention to what you’re thinking and how you’re feeling–your energetic state. I guarantee you that when your thoughts are negative you don’t feel good. Let that be the indicator that it’s time to change your thinking!
Recognize that whatever you focus your attention on you’re feeding your power to. But it’s not just your energy that goes there, the infinite power of Life Force (God) Energy will flow there as well as. God is present with you and flowing through you following your attention to whatever you focus on. And, of course, whatever is fed gets bigger. Right? This is how we manifest our life experiences. If you consciously pray to God for one thing and then turn around and worry, or your doubts start creeping up and you start focusing on your concerns or fears, you’ll be sending Him mixed messages and undermining what good you may have created with your conscious prayers.
This is where your faith comes in to play. How strong is your faith and conscious awareness of God’s presence in each moment? How strong is your belief that, since you’ve asked, it shall be given? Jesus had 100% conviction in his beliefs. What to the rest of us would be considered a miracle, was simply to be expected for him.
Your subconscious mind does the majority (90% or more) of your thinking, which by definition is unconscious. It’s like the operating system on your computer and is constantly at work behind the scenes acting as God’s hands in your personal life. It’s what keeps your heart beating and all the other quadrillions of functions of your body happening 24/7. But it’s also what keeps those snippets of songs or thought threads stuck playing in a loop in your head. It’s a powerhouse at your disposal and it’s operating in every moment to either your beneFIT or your detriment. I hope you can see how it’s well worth your while to learn how to get it working for you instead of against you.
Use your prayers to send a clear image of what you would love. Pay attention to your thinking day in, day out. Notice if it’s constructive or destructive and turn it around quickly when it’s destructive. Be careful that you aren’t saying, “Please don’t let _____ happen.” Whether it’s what you want or don’t want, the energy goes to the image you present. The “no”, “not this”, or “I don’t want this” portion of the message is lost. God simply follows your attention, sees the image, and gets to work making it manifest on your behalf. This is why worrying is, in essence, praying for exactly what you don’t want.
Remember, God is unconditional love and is with you 24/7 responding to both your conscious and unconscious prayers—to your every thought. Feel yourself held in that Love and, for your own sake, be sure you’re consistently conveying to Him what you want instead of what you don’t want.