When this word is drawn consider working on your communication skills. Good communication is crucial to having healthy relationships. We all need to know how to express our truth effectively so that we can feel heard and understood by others. And we need to learn how to listen effectively as well so others will know they’ve been heard. After all, communication is a two way street.

Are you a good listener? Do you actually connect and tune in to pick up on what’s said and perhaps what isn’t said? What’s the energy behind the words? You’re not going to pick up on this when your energy is in your head and thinking. It happens when your energy is in your heart center where you’ll be able to connect and actually share a space of communion. Did you notice that the word communion is in communication?

Let’s acknowledge that we communicate in far more ways than just with words. We use gestures, facial expressions, and body language. Our overall energetic state emanates from us sending signals to those physically nearby who are sensitive enough to pick up on it. Not only that, but we can communicate telepathically with someone on the other side of the planet just by thinking of them. You’ve probably had an experience when someone has crossed your mind and then they call you. We truly have far more capabilities than just what we can sense with our five physical senses. If you haven’t already done so, start training yourself to observe your actions and reactions from your higher level of consciousness, your Spirit, Infinite nature, and let it direct you.

When you speak, speak from your heart. People feel your energy long before they hear and comprehend the words you say. It’s the energy that they feel and react to, not so much your words, especially if your energy and your words are not in sync. So speak your truth, whatever that is, from the love in your heart. Heart energy has compassion, patience, understanding, and grace. When that’s the energy delivering your communication it will resonate with the other’s heart and your words will be received on a much deeper level.

We all should feel valued and honored in our relationships and comfortable speaking our truth. But that’s not always the case. There are times when we’ve had an interaction with someone or feel invalidated by a pattern of behaviors and need to speak up about it to honor ourselves. When this happens there are some ground rules that will ensure that the communication is as productive as possible.

First, before you begin, make sure that you’ve energetically cleared the emotional charge you may have been feeling. By that I mean that you’re calm enough that your emotions aren’t controlling your behavior. Emotional Freedom Technique, also known as EFT or Tapping, is a very powerful technique to help you release the negative emotions that may be holding you captive. You can learn more about it in my Astrology and Tapping article and on the Tapping Turnaround course page.

Next, arrange for a time when the two of you can be fully present with one another for this conversation. And then follow these four steps:

  1. State the facts. “This is what happened…” Express no judgment about it, just state the facts.
  2. Share how it made you feel. “It made me feel…” With this you give them the opportunity to step into your shoes and understand your perspective.
  3. Share how you feel it could be handled better in the future. “I would appreciate it if…”
  4. Ask them to share their thoughts on the matter and listen to them in the way you want them to listen to you.

Regardless of what happened in the past, if you want to be truly heard then you must demonstrate and treat the other the way you want to be treated. Be calm, genuinely speak from your heart, and share your truth. Speak to their heart, the best part of them, and give them the space to take it in. If after you’ve done all of the above and they’re unable or unwilling to respond in kind, then you need to reevaluate the relationship. You, as much as everyone else, deserve to be treated with respect.