Spirit is guiding us to focus on gratefulness today, my friend. Gratitude is an attitude of gratefulness. And what’s more, gratitude is the vibration that is most in harmony with the abundance of the Universe. It is more than just being grateful for something that has happened in the past, as if you’re indebted because of it. Gratitude, gratefulness, opens your heart and brings it and you into alignment with the blessings of the Universe.
Your heart is the most powerful energy source in your body. Science has measured the human heart’s energetic field extending out as much as ten feet! You can’t help but notice people who have an expansive heart field like that. They glow as that love, appreciation, gratefulness, and compassion radiates out from them. It’s a very attractive energy.
Gratitude and appreciation are very similar vibrations that are on par with love. Some people argue about which one is better. Some say appreciation is better because we can look around and appreciate everything whereas there must be a cause for our gratitude. The way I see it, they’re not yet appreciating that gratitude can also be a generative vibration. When you know how the Universal Laws work and that they are always at work, then you know that the moment you ask for something the Universe immediately goes to work generating it. Would you not automatically be grateful in advance of you receiving for just knowing that it is already a done deal? Of course, you’d understand that it’s up to you to become a vibrational match to the thing you want before it’ll become a part of your reality, and you’d also know that that’s all that’s keeping it at bay anyway.
And let’s not forget what a precious gift life is. Think of how your body started with the merging of a sperm and an egg and developed into a fully mature adult all without any conscious awareness on your part. Think of all the quadrillions of functions that take place automatically every second to keep it alive and functioning as it should. Think of how the full expression of the mighty oak tree is within the acorn. Life is moving through us and everyone and everything else, always seeking a more expansive expression of itself. It’s not as if you consciously chose to live another day of life today. You woke up and opened your eyes. Something kept you breathing and your heart beating all night long while you were asleep. Not everyone woke up this morning, you know. We’d all do well to remember that and be grateful that we get to experience another day of life.
Yes, my friend, look around you and appreciate the intricacies and beauty of it all. Notice how good you feel when you’re appreciating anything and be grateful for that!
And always remember that your gratefulness gracefully aligns with the gifts of the Universe and welcomes them into your life. You can’t go wrong with gratitude!