Healthy Foods: Parsley

Yes, it makes that dish so much more attractive but please don’t discard it! Instead start adding it as one more green in your spring mix salad. Add it to your potato salad, chicken salad and about any dish you want. Oh yes, let me tell you why! Parsley is an excellent source of vitamin…

Healthy Foods: Honey

The ancients called honey “nectar of the gods” and revered it for its natural sweetness and many healing qualities. While honey is mostly composed of carbohydrates and water it also contains vitamins, minerals, beta-Carotene, antioxidants, enzymes and other substances that act as prebiotics and help to keep the bifidobacteria in the GI tract (the good…

Healthy Foods: Avocado

This wonderful fruit has certainly gotten a bad rap in the past as being full of fat and therefore bad for you. But, as doctors and nutritionists have now learned that there is good cholesterol and bad cholesterol, they have also learned that there is good fat and bad fat. Yes, the avocado is high…