6/15/2021: Daily Dose of Inspiration

“In cultivating loving kindness, we train first to be honest, loving, and compassionate toward ourselves. Rather than nurturing self-denigration, we begin to cultivate a clear-seeing kindness. Sometimes we feel good and strong. Sometimes we feel inadequate and weak. But our loving-kindness is unconditional. No matter how we feel, we can aspire to be happy. We…

6/12/2021: Daily Dose of Inspiration

“It has been said: “Stillness is the language God speaks, and everything else is a bad translation.” Stillness is really another word for space. Becoming conscious of stillness whenever we encounter it in our lives will connect us with the formless and timeless dimension within ourselves, that which is beyond thought, beyond ego. It may…

6/11/2021: Daily Dose of Inspiration

“Respect dissolves resistance.” ~ Harry Palmer Whenever you resist something, be it a person, place, thing, an experience or emotion, it controls you. You’ll continue to suffer and struggle until you quit resisting. So next time you find yourself suffering ask yourself, “What am I resisting?” Whatever it is, recognize that it holds power over…

6/10/2021: Daily Dose of Inspiration

“When we take ownership for a problem and accept responsibility for our outcomes, we become agents of change as opposed to victims of change. When we resist the temptation to blame others or make excuses, we become part of the solution, not the problem.” ~ John J. Murphy, Pulling Together Blame and victimhood go hand in…

6/9/2021: Daily Dose of Inspiration

“All that was great in the past was ridiculed, condemned, combated, suppressed — only to emerge all the more triumphantly from the struggle.” ~ Nikola Tesla Have you noticed that most people don’t like change? It’s threatening to them. And to some it’s almost as if they feel insulted by it. Rather than being curious,…

6/8/2021: Daily Dose of Inspiration

“What you see as cosmos is a living mind — intelligent space.” ~ Sadhguru We are a part of something so big and vast it’s incomprehensible to our finite minds. Attempts to understand it are counter productive as they tend to lead us down a rabbit hole of illusions. Hmmm… Interesting that I say that. Hindu philosophy says…