3/19/2021: Daily Dose of Inspiration

“We leave you a tradition with a future. The tender loving care of human beings will never become obsolete. People even more than things have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed and redeemed and redeemed and redeemed. Never throw out anybody.” ~ Sam Levenson, In One Era & Out the Other Is it time for redemption,…

3/18/2021: Daily Dose of Inspiration

“What you’re thinking is what you’re becoming.” ~ Muhammad Ali You’re in charge, my friend. You’re in the driver’s seat. Your thoughts and beliefs are directing your life, not just your actions. Did you know that? It can’t be any other way. Every thought you think creates a vibration that emanates within and from you.…

3/14/2021: Daily Dose of Inspiration

“Thoughts are like the breeze or the leaves on the trees or the raindrops falling. They appear like that, and through inquiry we can make friends with them. Would you argue with a raindrop? Raindrops aren’t personal, and neither are thoughts. Once a painful concept is met with understanding, the next time it appears you…

3/13/2021: Daily Dose of Inspiration

“You’ve done it before and you can do it now. See the positive possibilities. Redirect the substantial energy of your frustration and turn it into positive, effective, unstoppable determination.” ~ Ralph Marston We all hit frustration at times, my friend. But how we choose to deal with it is what varies. We might throw up…

3/11/2021: Daily Dose of Inspiration

“Patience, persistence, and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success.” ~ Napoleon Hill These traits don’t always come naturally now, do they? Honestly, most of us have to work at developing these traits. But think about it. . . patience, persistence, perspiration. . . what does that remind you of? Uh-huh, BeneFIT’s Yoga. Think of…

3/10/2021: Daily Dose of Inspiration

“The practice of asana clears the inner channels for prana to move freely and uninterruptedly. If the nerves are corroded and blocked with stress, how can prana circulate? Asana and pranayama practice removes the partition that segregates body and mind. Together they dispel darkness and ignorance. In a sense, it is asana practice that opens…