Hydration & Electrolytes

Surviving the heat of the summer (or Bikram Yoga) requires proper hydration and electrolyte balance. But most Americans operate in a state of dehydration. They simply don’t know how much better they’d feel if they just drank more water. When they get a headache they reach for a pain killer and never wonder why they…

Healthy Foods: Pineapple

Beyond the typical benefits common to fresh fruits high in antioxidants, pineapple has an additional enzyme, bromelain, that is a natural anti-inflammatory. Bromelain contains a group of protein-digesting enzymes that are excellent for the intestinal tract and aid with digestion. The anti-inflammatory benefits make it highly effective in healing sports-related injuries, sprains and bruises as…

Healthy Foods: Parsley

Yes, it makes that dish so much more attractive but please don’t discard it! Instead start adding it as one more green in your spring mix salad. Add it to your potato salad, chicken salad and about any dish you want. Oh yes, let me tell you why! Parsley is an excellent source of vitamin…

Healthy Foods: Olive Oil

Though you may like the taste of bread dipped in olive oil, have you ever hesitated because you’ve thought it can’t be good to eat all that oil? If so, hesitate no more, extra virgin olive oil boasts many surprising health benefits and is considered a super food for the heart. Extra Virgin Olive Oil…

Healthy Foods: Honey

The ancients called honey “nectar of the gods” and revered it for its natural sweetness and many healing qualities. While honey is mostly composed of carbohydrates and water it also contains vitamins, minerals, beta-Carotene, antioxidants, enzymes and other substances that act as prebiotics and help to keep the bifidobacteria in the GI tract (the good…

Healthy Foods: Quinoa

Grown and cultivated for thousands of years high in the Andes, quinoa is the seed from a plant closely related to spinach and chard. So while technically not a grain, it is often called a supergrain. It was the staple food for Incan warriors. Quinoa is highly nutritious and supplies complex carbohydrates, fiber, potassium, calcium,…

Healthy Foods: Dates

This sweet, dessert like fruit has so many good things about it that we felt we it was worth bringing it to your attention. Dates are rich in vitamins and minerals–too many to list them all here, but the highlights are: Vitamin A, B6, B-complex, Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium (more than in a banana!), and…

What is Hatha Yoga?

It’s not infrequent that someone calls the studio, asks about hatha yoga and after a few minutes of conversation says, “Oh, I thought hatha yoga means hot yoga.” The words do sound similar but they are from very different languages and mean very different things. Bikram Yoga is both Hatha Yoga and done in the…

The Birth of Bikram Yoga

July 9th, 2010 was the 40th anniversary of the passing of Bishnu Ghosh, Bikram Choudhury’s guru. We say the word guru means teacher, though a more thorough translation is “one who removes darkness.” Bishnu was the youngest brother of Paramahansa Yogananda, the founder of the Self-Realization Fellowships in the United States and author of the…

Yoga Competition?

Does the notion of a yoga competition upset you? If so, you’re not alone. It’s perfectly understandable. For those of us who have found yoga to be the sanctuary that helps us to find inner peace, relief from the stresses of our everyday life, or as the foundation of our spiritual practice, the thought of…